Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The things they say...sheesh

First, I want to thank all of you who so lovingly left comments wishing me well. I really appreciate your prayers. I have my first OB appointment on Monday and I'm PRAYING they'll say I can go back to life as normal. My wonderful hubby has been picking up the slack with dishes, laundry, cooking. He truly is amazing.

We've been talking with our boys about names for the baby. I guess you could say we're trying to distract them. They keep asking if the baby will be here on Saturday, or will it come today, things of that nature. Considering I'm only 6 1/2 weeks along, saying 8 more months is a bit over their heads :)

So anyway, names. Blake has suggested Taylor Hubbs (kid in his class) and Ryley has suggested Spark. I had to explain to him that we were having a baby, not a dog.

So it hit me this week just how insane we are. We just adopted a dog who, while very well mannered and sweet, is a puppy, and therefore is chewing EVERYTHING. We already have a 15 year old dog, who PROBABLY won't last until the end of this pregnancy. We will also have 4 birthdays, Thanksgiving, and Christmas all rolled into two months at the end of every year from now on. Ryley my 5yo has a birthday in Dec., Blake (4) - November, my mom - Christmas Day, and Baby #3 - early/mid November...sigh...what WERE we thinking. This is the one time we have planned a child and wouldn't you know we'd add on the extra stress ourselves.


What? Did you say we love to be busy? Yeah...I guess you're right.


Maria said...

When I was pregnant with Eli -- we told her the baby would be here after Christmas and that worked until Christmas got here and I was still a month away from my due date. Luckily he was born on New Year's Day and so I didn't have to stall much past Christmas -- Maybe you can hold them with "at Thanksgiving time" and showing them on a Calender where today is and when Thanksgiving is etc. Make it a big deal to count of the days as they go by.

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha. Spark Gonter, what are you talking about? I love it!!! Steph, I am praying for you and I hope the doctor gives you the all clear at your appt!! Samson still's available if you'd like to finish off your sanity. haha. Love ya.